Dear readers,
You may have noticed you were re-directed to our new site: Our mission remains the same – to cover Hawaii’s news now. It’s just the address that has changed. We are now a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Hawaii.
We intend to continue posting news, information, photos, video and calendar items on a frequent and continuous basis. If it’s on, about or around the Big Island, we want to share it with you, just as we hope you want to share your news with us.
Please update your address books to include and refresh your bookmarks with the address.
We have enjoyed our short time as a dot com, but believe we are in a better position to grow and improve with our new address.
We are moving forward and will soon be accepting advertising and donations. Please drop us an e-mail if you might be interested.
If you have any problems with the new site, or any suggestions, please drop us an e-mail. If you have any news tips, press releases or calendar items, please drop us … well, you’ve probably figured it out by now.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to hearing from you.
Baron, Kristin and Karin